Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025
User Menu UK Games Expo

Bring & Buy

What is Bring and Buy?

The Bring and Buy is a second-hand market for your old games. Bring your old games to sell, and we will sell them on your behalf for cash. You will pay a small registration fee for each item, and 10% of the sale price will be donated to charity. You’ll receive the remaining 90% of the sale proceeds at the event.

Our Bring and Buy is the largest at any UK games convention, possibly the largest in the world!

Bring__Buy_Partner (002)

2025 Opening Hours:

  • Open for Booking in items only: Thu 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm
  • Open for Booking in items and sales: Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Open for Booking in items and sales: Sat 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Open for Booking in items and sales: Sun 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Restrictions and Limitations:

  • All transactions are in CASH ONLY
  • No bags or containers are allowed into the Bring and Buy
  • ANY bags left on the floor outside the Bring and Buy will be removed by NEC security
  • The minimum selling price for an item is £5.00 Although items under this value do sell, they may be difficult to handle
  • Please leave the bags in the Shop and Drop next to the Bring and Buy or in the NEC cloakrooms which are outside Halls 2 and 4 (NEC Charges apply)

Changes to the Bring & Buy for UKGE 2025.

  • The maximum registration of saleable items for the show is 20
  • Please note: Attempting to sell more than 20 items (e.g. by using multiple accounts) will result in all items being promptly withdrawn. Any proceeds collected will be donated to charity.
  • Price changes are prohibited. Once you have confirmed the price and affixed the printed label to the box the price cannot be changed. So, price to sell.
  • Any unsold/uncollected stock will be disposed of by UKGE.

Bring & Buy Rules...


UK Games Expo will deduct a 10% commission on all goods sold at Bring and Buy (rounded up to the nearest 10 pence)


The seller is responsible for registering and collecting all items submitted.


Items cannot be withdrawn from sale before 13:00 hrs each day.


All goods submitted to Bring and Buy are at the sellers' risk - UK Games Expo and the members operating the Bring and Buy accept no responsibility or liability for any goods stolen, lost or accidentally damaged.

Trade Restriction

Trading while queuing is strictly prohibited

Quality Control

UKGE reserves the right not to accept any items it deems inappropriate for sale. (This includes damaged items, poorly packaged items or old stock from exhibitors or other companies)

Booking fee

For each 10 (or part of) items submitted, there is a non-refundable £1 booking fee.


All profits from the Bring and Buy will be donated to charities designated by the UKGE.


We do not accept £50 notes.

* All items to be sold must be entered via your UKGE account *

** You can keep track of what you have sold via your UKGE account **

Getting paid and collecting unsold Games

The staff at Bring & Buy will print a summary sheet detailing, the number of items sold, the selling price, the commission owed, and the residual amount payable to you the seller, including a list of unsold items

Present the printout at checkout for scanning and payment.

Remember to collect your unsold items from the collection point!

Please note that the last collection from the Bring and Buy is 18:00 Sunday 1st June.
Failure to collect will be deemed that you've agreed to donate the money to our designated charities.
The games will be disposed of by UKGE.