Red Planet Rising
From the ashes, a new Mars will arise...
- Days: Friday
- Time: 10:30 - 13:30
Den of Wolves: New Eden
Trust, survival, fear and hope. A ragtag fleet of refugees flees through space, pursued by an implacable foe.
- Days: Friday
- Time: 11:30 - 16:00
God Emperor
As the God Emperor rots, you have grown strong. Soon, this land will be yours.
- Days: Saturday
- Time: 10:00 - 16:30
Raven Banner
The year is 871 AD, and the raven banners approach England's shores - to raid, and to conquer.
- Days: Friday, Saturday
- Time: Various
Running Hot
Corps and Runners on the neon streets of...Sheffield?
- Days: Sunday
- Time: 10:00 - 14:30
Crisis: Mars
Amid the chaos of the Martian Independence struggle, what rewards can you reap?
- Days: Friday, Sunday
- Time: Various