Publisher-Designer Speed Dating
Speed Dating
Showcase your game in front of publishers
Friday 30 May 2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Submissions will open on 1st March 2025
The deadline for submissions is 30th April 2025
Pitch Perfect?
The UK Games Expo Speed-Dating is an opportunity for invited game designers to pitch their games to publishers. Designers will have the chance to ‘schmooze' a different publisher every 5 minutes.
The entries will be split into two tracks of around 15 pitches each. This will be light family/party games and heavy strategy games.
There will be a short break in the middle of the sessions.
Designers will be invited based on their sales sheet and a summary.
Publishers will have the opportunity to review and shortlist before the Expo commences.
We guarantee to invite every publisher’s first choice of designer and as many others as possible. Please be aware that only 24–30 designs are selected from (normally) over 100 entrants.
After the 'speed dating' sessions are finished, Publishers will have the opportunity to discuss designs further while making arrangements to follow up on designs they've expressed an interest in. There is also a networking event planned for that evening
Publishers we need you!
We are seeking expressions of interest from Publishers wishing to take part in our 'Speed Dating' sessions.
Publishers should be in a position to consider the development of designs and potential future publications.
Email: Richard