Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025
User Menu UK Games Expo


Find a Hotel

The UK Games Expo will run for 3 days, so if you plan to attend 2 or more of those days, you may require accommodation for the night.
There are numerous hotels onsite and nearby:


The Hilton is the partner hotel and has over 700 rooms.

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Other Local Accommodation

The surrounding NEC area and airport provide a variety of hotel options.
Birmingham and Coventry are also worthwhile considerations for affordable hotels, which are just a short train journey away.

The site below enables you to search for local hotels:

Local Hotels

Here are some direct links to local hotels:

Camping options

Considered camping? Campsites near the NEC.

Somers Wood, just three miles from the NEC, is the closest and most convenient campsite by some distance.