Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025

Tournaments & Gaming Events

Guidelines for Hosting Tournaments or Gaming Events at UKGE:

  • Events primarily take place in Hall 4 at the NEC, although under certain circumstances, they may be held within the Hilton hotel space.
  • Tournaments or gaming events should be in response to a demand from a player base rather than the start of a marketing campaign.
  • Games still in playtest development are not suitable for scheduling.
  • Learn-to-play events and demos are better suited for running on exhibitor stands.

The three ways to host tournaments or gaming events at UKGE

< 1 >

Arrange to hold an event in the UKGE Event Space.

More information

< 2 >

Hire exhibitor event space

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< 3 >

Exhibitors, can host an event on their stand and list it as an exhibitor event.

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Collection of Tickets



Staffing & Umpires

A18 Home Page Crowds Hall 1 Entrance Queue UK Games Expo 2019.jpg

Event Access