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Living Arcanis 5e Intro 1-5 To Die Alone

09:00 - 13:00 BST
Age Restrictions
Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Nicola Barnes


Almeric is a bleeding nation full of petty Princes and Princesses. One of them, now in the twilight of his years,
wants help. It’s not immediately clear if he wants your help for himself, his heirs, or his town - Maren. This Prince promises rewards to those who provide aid …But even given your special abilities, what meaningful assistance can a few travellers give over a handful of days? In Almeric, whether you stay or try to walk away, it’s a good bet that trouble will find you.

A Note for Players
Heroes that are naturally meddlers and proactive will probably do better in this module than more passive
personalities. While all tables should face significant combat twice (or more…), this module is primarily an
investigation and the Heroes will be called upon to interact socially with lots of NPCs.

An Introductory adventure optimized for 3rd level characters (Character levels 1-4).
Characters who have used a 4th Level Advancement Certificate may not play this scenario.

This adventure is part of the Living Arcanis 5e campaign. Players are rewarded with certificates that allow them to advance their heroes and play them in other Living Arcanis 5e adventures.

Leave Your Mark Upon the Shattered Empires

Arcanis is a world of epic adventure, intrigue, and exploration. A world beset on all sides by the machinations of inhuman empires and creatures both fell and foul. A world painted in shades of grey, rather than stark black and white, where your enemy today may be your only hope tomorrow.
It is a world in desperate need of Heroes to hold back the tide of night and become legends!

This game is designed for mature players and explores complex themes that may include conflict, moral dilemmas, interpersonal relationships, and emotional intensity. While the content is presented in a respectful and inclusive manner, it may delve into topics such as violence, loss, betrayal, or difficult ethical choices. Players are encouraged to approach the game with an open mind and a willingness to engage in thoughtful roleplay. Please let the GM know before the session if there are any specific triggers you would like to avoid, so accommodations can be made.

Pre-Generated heroes can be provided or you can bring your own heroes created using the Arcanis 5e Campaign Setting following the rules given in the latest version of the Living Arcanis Campaign Guide which can be downloaded from the files section of the Official Arcanis Organized Play Campaigns Group on Facebook.