Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025
User Menu UK Games Expo

The Stranded & Forsaken

Sunday, Friday, Saturday
Age Restrictions
Dungeons and Dragons (Not 5th ed)
Sebastian Howard Fyffe


Saviours of the Village of Brenthianna from the realms of Exandria, you are being lauded as heroes that have dealt a mortal blow to the local Troglodyte clan who have been terrorising this locale. A celebration in your honour is at hand when trouble rears it's ugly head in the form of revenging Trogs….however, everything is not what it appears to be and you are thrown into a world you could never have dreamed of.

The story, without giving too much away, will be a Fantasy fuelled one shot that blends into a Sci-Fi setting. There will be elements of Combat, Role Playing, solving situations and decision making.

The game is open to players of all levels of experience, or no experience. All I ask for is a willingness to play and have a go. No need to feel daunted or required to ‘act’ like your character.

Using the New 2024 D&D rules and characters. There will be a selection of Level 3 pre-generated characters for players to choose from.