Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025
User Menu UK Games Expo

The Hare Queen

10:00 - 14:00 BST
World of Darkness
David Gallico


You, the PCs, are Kithain, heirs to Earth's secret kingdom of Faerie.  Yet you are only part fae: the general disbelief in magic has forced you to adopt mortal human guises in order to survive and forestall the oncoming Winter and bring about an endless Spring.  Failure will allow Banality, the bane of all Changelings,  to crush  joy, laughter  and imagination from the world.
Every Spring, the Hare Queen and her retinue journey up the country, visiting many places so that the Hare Queen may bring hope and glamour to the world.  This year She will be passing through the PC's home town, and their group (Motley)  have been privileged by their local Sidhu Lord to look after the Hare Queen and keep her and her retinue safe whilst in your area.

Pregens will be provided.  If anyone wishes to bring their own character sheet, that will be fine.

Please bring pen and pencils, paper and  dice, although I shall have spare ones with me.  Rule books if you have them, but these are not essential as I shall have my copy.