Faces of Fortune (DDAL Tier 2)
Scenario: DDAL09-05 – Faces of Fortune (Tier 2)
RPG System: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Adventurers League
Max Players: 6
What age bracket is the game? 12+
Tags: Fantasy
Description: Deep in hostile territory with the innocent girl Dara to protect, you will have to trust to the weapons of the enemy if you are to survive. Even with deceit as your shield and sabotage as your sword, luck is required to complete Dara’s holy mission. Thankfully Fai Chen knows to start your quest with the help of an old acquaintance… Mahadi, master of Mahadi’s Traveling Emporium.
Pre-Generated Characters: Yes – 5th Level Pre-generated Characters will be available.
Existing Adventurers League Characters: If you have an existing 5th to 10th level Forgotten Realms Adventurers League character, which has been updated for the 2024 rules, then you can use that to play in this adventure. Guidance on updating to the 2024 rules is here: https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1819-d-d-adventurers-league-update-for-the-2024-core
Adventurers League Info: Want to create your own 5th level character? Follow the guidance in the D&D Adventurers League Player's Guide which can be downloaded here: https://www.dndbeyond.com/posts/1676-what-is-adventurers-league