Hungry Shadows (DDAL Tier 1)
Scenario: DDAL09-03 – Hungry Shadows (Tier 1)
RPG System: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition Adventurers League
Max Players: 6
What age bracket is the game? 12+
Tags: Fantasy
Description: Bodies continue pile up, and the Flaming Fist still has nothing but a name. Thankfully, the perpetrator of the murders has slipped up and the Flaming Fist has captured one of their underlings, in turn, has revealed the presence of a cult hideout in the sewers beneath the city. The Flaming Fist has asked that you investigate. Are you up for the task?
Pre-Generated Characters: Yes - 1st Level Pre-generated Characters will be available.
Existing Adventurers League Characters: If you have an existing 1st to 4th level Forgotten Realms Adventurers League character, which has been updated for the 2024 rules, then you can use that to play in this adventure. Guidance on updating to the 2024 rules is here:
Adventurers League Info: Want to create your own 1st level character? Follow the guidance in the D&D Adventurers League Player's Guide which can be downloaded here: