Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025
User Menu UK Games Expo

The Defence of the Village of Broad-Haven

14:00 - 18:00 BST
Age Restrictions
Peter Hutchinson


The party has recently established itself in the village of Broad-Haven, a new human led town of many different kin and it is thriving in the Misty Veil but it is not altogether safe…  As an event will lead the heroes to a desperate journey to find the find the warrior orc chief Grimner, after  a warning is sent to the village, why was this warning sent and can the heroes defend the village of Broad-Haven after a wider threat is revealed?

This is an original adventure set in the world of Dragonbane.  I will be brining some pre -generated characters with me and you will have an opportunity to explore a part of the Misty Veil while working against the threat of Invasion and my own threat dice.  An opportunity to experience an epic scale battle and a heroic chance to turn the odds against an enemy. May the dice be in your favour.

You will also need a valid UKGE Entry ticket to attend this event. 

RPG Event Tickets will go on sale from Monday 3rd February 2025. 

More information about running RPGs at UKGE, including support packages, see this page 


I will have some dice to quite happily give away after the session ends even if the pasty is not successful with their mission.