Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025
User Menu UK Games Expo

Weapons Free 5

09:30 - 21:30 BST
Age Restrictions


The event will take place in Hall 4 on Friday, 30th of May 2025!

This is a competitive Dropfleet Commander event, set 1500 points per player. The tournament will be played over a series of 3 games, each lasting 165 minutes. 

The event will be using the most recent rules and FAQs for ‘Competitive Play’, requiring players to bring between 1-2 lists on the day. You may decide which fleet to play right up until the mission is revealed. 

This should be ample time to complete the games comfortably and accomodate for comfort breaks,  lunch and take a look at the exhibitions.


09:30 registration@10:00 Round 1@12:45 Lunch@13:45 Round 2@16:30 Comfort Break@17:00 Round 3@19:45 Break / Photo Opportunities@20:15 Rankings and Prize Giving@20:45 Pack up.@21:00 - 21:30 Departure.

A full event pack will be available by 17:00 on Friday, 21st of February which will contain everything you need to take part during the event. 

Even though this is a competitive event, version 2 of Dropfleet Commander is still in it's infancy and the competitive scene is still fresh. New players or experienced players alike will get a lot out of the day, plus the Dropfleet Commander Community is genuinely one of the friendliest communities I've experienced as a Wargamer. 

An initial seeding will be created with the initial pairings based on experience and list tech. Round 2 and 3 onwards will be determined using Swiss Pairings. So you will be paired against players of a similar performance level to you throughout the event. 

Scoring will be tracked using a 20/Nil system. Meaning players will take a share of 20 points away from each game. If someone scores a close win, they may find that they take 11 points, and the loser takes 9 for example. 

Tie Breaks will be decided by Kill Points. Simply the number of points worth of enemy ships you've destroyed during the event. 

I hope to see some new faces and fully expect to see some regulars in attendance! 

For more information, please drop me an email on: 

Or, alteratively check out, Join the official Discord (email me for a link) and/or check out the Dropfleet Commander Community Facebook Group. 



TBC. At this time there are no prizes confirmed, although is is subject to change. 

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