Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025
User Menu UK Games Expo

The Carnival of Dreams

Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Age Restrictions
Candela Obscura
Anya (La Lionne Cosplay)


The Carnival of Dreams is a triumph by most accounts, sandwiched in between the Steel and Red Lamp districts for pleasure-seekers and folks from all walks of life. The Newfaire Herald shared Newfairens's excitement over the incredible feats on display, proclaiming it a "roaring success" in a bold front-page headline…that is, until one sunny Saturday afternoon when attendees and carnies alike suddenly vanished without a trace. Candela Obscura has requested that your Circle investigate the mysterious circumstances and stop the Bleed from spreading.

You will be able to pick from a selection of pre-generated character sheets for this psychological horror one-shot set in the world of Candela Obscura.