Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025
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Cornwall Boardgame Playtest Group
Every other Sunday 2-4pm in Falmouth
31 Killigrew St, Falmouth TR11 3PW,Falmouth,TR11 3PW

A playtest group meeting twice monthly in Falmouth for designers and boardgamers in Cornwall.

Welcome to Cornwall Boardgame Playtest Group! A twice-monthly playtest group currently meeting every other Sunday 2-4pm at the Moth and the Moon in Falmouth, Cornwall.

Anybody and everybody is welcome! You don’t even need to be a designer or bring a game. You just need a positive attitude and willingness to help make games better.

Players: relax, play some games and give feedback. Some games may be in-progress, unbalances and a bit wonky, but your help in making them better is half the fun!

Designers: Bring games that are in any stage of development. They don’t need to be super fancy, and it’s in fact better if they are quite rough, as it makes it easier to change. Longer games may not get player to completion and make sure you also test other designer’s games.