Friday 31 May - Sunday 2 Jun 2024
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Dranda Games


Galactic Cruise, Explorers of Navoria, Mutagen and other award winning games.



Dranda Games Ltd
Age Range
Player Range

It is the 1920s and new ground breaking elements are revolutionising the biostructure of our world.

Mutagen is a customisable worker placement game set in a 1920s biopunk universe. Each player has a blue, a yellow, and a red worker. Each time a player places a worker, they will activate that location's action, plus an additional action determined by the worker's colour.

Players can unlock the full potential of biological upgrades, by infusing their workers with biological upgrades that will grant them a decisive edge over their opponents.

Each worker location has been forever transformed by vast bio-enhanced changes. Collect elements from the floating cities and use them in various ways. Trade them for objective cards, establish dominance over particular elements through strategic investments, or harness their energy to upgrade your airship. With each move, you accumulate points, driving you closer to victory at different stages of the game.

The player who has best harnessed the newfound powers of this biopunk universe, and used them to collect the most amount of points after four years (rounds) will win the game.

Pioneer Rails

Dranda Games
Age Range
Player Range

In Pioneer Rails, you represent a railroad owner who has seen an opportunity to expand your empire across the new lands of the frontier. You'll compete against other railroad owners to plan your railway in the best way possible to connect features to the railroad and satisfy the demands of the locals.

In this flip-and-write game, you use poker cards to extend your railway tracks and build a poker hand at the same time. Each turn, you choose one of the revealed poker cards. The suit of the card helps you extend your railway, connecting you to new towns and surrounding features. When you connect to a town, you gain the ability to do a one-time bonus. When you surround a feature with your tracks, you activate it for endgame scoring. The value of the card is added to your poker hand, for which you'll score additional points at the end of the round.

Three common goals are also in play each game, giving you incentives to build in different directions.

The mechanism of surrounding features to activate them gives Pioneer Rails a satisfying "puzzley" feel to the game.

Pioneer Rails Poker Cards

Dranda Games
Age Range
Player Range

Poker cards inspired by the flip and write game Pioneer Rails.

Featuring thematic artwork for each suit, characters for face cards, thematic Ace cards, and cards 2-10, which combine together to form a thematic scene.

The Pioneer Rails Poker Cards are a must-have for any poker card collecter